Start with a light application

Base Application (per 10 square feet):

Light Feeders (e.g., rosemary, thyme, lavender, oregano): 1/4 cup of chicken manure pellets per 10 square feet, incorporated into the soil before planting. These herbs often thrive in leaner soil. Too much fertilizer can actually diminish their flavor and vigor.  

Moderate Feeders (e.g., basil, parsley, cilantro, mint): 1/2 cup of chicken manure pellets per 10 square feet, incorporated into the soil before planting. These herbs will appreciate a bit more nutrition.

Incorporate Before Planting: Mix the chicken manure pellets thoroughly into the top few inches of soil before planting. Water thoroughly and then mix the soil again before planting.

Container Gardening: If you're growing herbs in containers, use even less chicken manure pellets. A good starting point is a tablespoon or two per container, mixed into the potting mix before planting.